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I am a foreign student applying for a visa: How can I apply for a residence permit for study reasons upon arrival in Italy?
Ultimo aggiornamento 4 anni fa

Within eight days from their arrival in Italy with a type D "national" visa for STUDY reasons (University enrollment), applicants must submit the request for a permit of stay for STUDY reasons (University) to the police office (Questura) in the city where they intend to reside.

The application may be presented through an authorized Post Office, using the specific application kit (that is to say, an envelope containing the required forms, together with the pertinent instructions), available at the aforementioned post offices.

After completing and signing the forms, students must go to the post office, with the following documents:

  1. The filled-out forms, inside an open envelope;
  2. A € 16 revenue stamp;
  3. The original passport along with a photocopy of the pages containing their personal data as well as the stamps of entry and exit visas from the country;
  4. A photocopy of their health insurance policy or that of the registration in the Italian Health National System “Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN)”;
  5. Copy of a document proving the availability of sufficient financial means for the duration of the stay in Italy;
  6. Documents proving that the student has a suitable accommodation in Italy;
  7. Copy of the pre-enrolment application at the Italian Embassy.
When submitting the application at the post office, all foreign students are to be identified and will have to pay the fees for the electronic Permit of Stay (Permesso di Soggiorno Elettronico – PSE).

The post office staff will schedule an appointment on behalf of the applicant at the Police Office in charge of foreign citizens (Ufficio stranieri) for photo-identification purposes. On the day of the appointment applicants will have to submit an enrolment certificate that the student can request, after enroling, at the Student Office (Segreteria studenti) of the pertinent degree course.

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